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aelf-sdk.cs - aelf C# API

aelf-sdk.cs is a C# library that facilitates communication with an aelf node over HTTP. Below is a comprehensive guide on how to install and use the aelf-sdk.cs package, along with some example usages.


aelf-sdk.cs is a collection of libraries designed for interaction with both local and remote aelf nodes via HTTP connections. This documentation provides instructions on how to install and run aelf-sdk.cs, and includes API reference documentation with examples. aelf-sdk.cs

Adding aelf-sdk.cs package

To use aelf-sdk.cs, you need to add the AElf.Client package to your project. This can be done using various methods:

Using Package Manager

Open the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio and run:

PM> Install-Package AElf.Client

Using .NET CLI

Run the following command in your terminal:

dotnet add package AElf.Client

Using PackageReference

Add the following line to your .csproj file:

<PackageReference Include="AElf.Client" Version="X.X.X" />

Replace X.X.X with the desired version of the AElf.Client package.


1. Create Instance

Create a new instance of AElfClient and set the URL of an aelf chain node.

using AElf.Client.Service;

// Create a new instance of AElfClient
AElfClient client = new AElfClient("");

2. Test Connection

Check that the aelf chain node is connectable.

var isConnected = await client.IsConnectedAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"Connected: {isConnected}");

3. Initiate a Transfer Transaction

// Get token contract address.
var tokenContractAddress = await client.GetContractAddressByNameAsync(HashHelper.ComputeFrom("AElf.ContractNames.Token"));

var methodName = "Transfer";
var param = new TransferInput
To = new Address {Value = Address.FromBase58("7s4XoUHfPuqoZAwnTV7pHWZAaivMiL8aZrDSnY9brE1woa8vz").Value},
Symbol = "ELF",
Amount = 1000000000,
Memo = "transfer in demo"
var ownerAddress = client.GetAddressFromPrivateKey(PrivateKey);

// Generate a transfer transaction.
var transaction = await client.GenerateTransaction(ownerAddress, tokenContractAddress.ToBase58(), methodName, param);
var txWithSign = client.SignTransaction(PrivateKey, transaction);

// Send the transfer transaction to AElf chain node.
var result = await client.SendTransactionAsync(new SendTransactionInput
RawTransaction = txWithSign.ToByteArray().ToHex()

await Task.Delay(4000);
// After the transaction is mined, query the execution results.
var transactionResult = await client.GetTransactionResultAsync(result.TransactionId);

// Query account balance.
var paramGetBalance = new GetBalanceInput
Symbol = "ELF",
Owner = new Address {Value = Address.FromBase58(ownerAddress).Value}
var transactionGetBalance =await client.GenerateTransaction(ownerAddress, tokenContractAddress.ToBase58(), "GetBalance", paramGetBalance);
var txWithSignGetBalance = client.SignTransaction(PrivateKey, transactionGetBalance);

var transactionGetBalanceResult = await client.ExecuteTransactionAsync(new ExecuteTransactionDto
RawTransaction = txWithSignGetBalance.ToByteArray().ToHex()

var balance = GetBalanceOutput.Parser.ParseFrom(ByteArrayHelper.HexstringToByteArray(transactionGetBalanceResult));


You can see how the Web API of the node works at {chainAddress}/swagger/index.html. For example, on a local address:

Here are the examples and code snippets for interacting with the aelf Web API using the AElfClient instance.

1. Create Instance

Create a new instance of AElfClient and set the URL of an aelf chain node.

using AElf.Client.Service;

// Create a new instance of AElfClient, change the URL if needed
AElfClient client = new AElfClient("");

2. Get Chain Status

  • Web API path: /api/blockChain/chainStatus

  • Parameters : None

  • Returns: ChainStatusDto

    • ChainId - string
    • Branches - Dictionary<string,long>
    • NotLinkedBlocks - Dictionary<string,string>
    • LongestChainHeight - long
    • LongestChainHash - string
    • GenesisBlockHash - string
    • GenesisContractAddress - string
    • LastIrreversibleBlockHash - string
    • LastIrreversibleBlockHeight - long
    • BestChainHash - string
    • BestChainHeight - long


await client.GetChainStatusAsync();

3. Get Contract File Descriptor Set

  • Web API path: /api/blockChain/contractFileDescriptorSet

  • Parameters :

    • contractAddress - string
  • Returns: []byte


await client.GetContractFileDescriptorSetAsync(address);

4. Get Block Height

  • Web API path: /api/blockChain/blockHeight

  • Parameters : None

  • Returns: long


await client.GetBlockHeightAsync();

5. Get Block Information by Block Hash

  • Web API path: /api/blockChain/block

  • Parameters :

    • blockHash - string
    • includeTransactions - bool
  • Returns: BlockDto

    • BlockHash - string
    • Header - BlockHeaderDto
      • PreviousBlockHash - string
      • MerkleTreeRootOfTransactions - string
      • MerkleTreeRootOfWorldState - string
      • Extra - string
      • Height - long
      • Time - string
      • ChainId - string
      • Bloom - string
      • SignerPubkey - string
    • Body - BlockBodyDto
      • TransactionsCount - int
      • Transactions - []string


await client.GetBlockByHashAsync(blockHash);

6. Get Block Information by Block Height

  • Web API path: /api/blockChain/blockByHeight

  • Parameters :

    • blockHeight - long
    • includeTransactions - bool
  • Returns: BlockDto

    • BlockHash - string
    • Header - BlockHeaderDto
      • PreviousBlockHash - string
      • MerkleTreeRootOfTransactions - string
      • MerkleTreeRootOfWorldState - string
      • Extra - string
      • Height - long
      • Time - string
      • ChainId - string
      • Bloom - string
      • SignerPubkey - string
    • Body - BlockBodyDto
      • TransactionsCount - int
      • Transactions - []string


await client.GetBlockByHeightAsync(height);

7. Get Transaction Result

  • Web API path: /api/blockChain/transactionResult

  • Parameters :

    • transactionId - string
  • Returns: TransactionResultDto

    • TransactionId - string
    • Status - string
    • Logs - []LogEventDto
      • Address - string
      • Name - string
      • Indexed - []string
      • NonIndexed - string
    • Bloom - string
    • BlockNumber - long
    • BlockHash - string
    • Transaction - TransactionDto
      • From - string
      • To - string
      • RefBlockNumber - long
      • RefBlockPrefix - string
      • MethodName - string
      • Params - string
      • Signature - string
    • Error - string


await client.GetTransactionResultAsync(transactionId);

8. Get Multiple Transaction Results in a Block

  • Web API path: /api/blockChain/transactionResults

  • Parameters :

    • blockHash - string
    • offset - int
    • limit - int
  • Returns: List<TransactionResultDto> - The array of transaction result:

    • the transaction result object


await client.GetTransactionResultsAsync(blockHash, 0, 10);

9. Get Transaction Pool Status

  • Web API path: /api/blockChain/transactionPoolStatus

  • Parameters : None

  • Returns: TransactionPoolStatusOutput

    • Queued - int
    • Validated - int


var transactionPoolStatus = await client.GetTransactionPoolStatusAsync();

10. Send Transaction

  • Web API path: /api/blockChain/sendTransaction (POST)

  • Parameters :

    • SendRawTransactionInput - Serialization of data into protobuf data: -RawTransaction - string
  • Returns: SendRawTransactionOutput

    • TransactionId - string


var sendTransactionOutput = await client.SendTransactionAsync(sendTransactionInput);

11. Send Raw Transaction

  • Web API path: /api/blockChain/sendTransaction (POST)

  • Parameters :

    • SendRawTransactionInput - Serialization of data into protobuf data:
      • Transaction - string
      • Signature - string
      • ReturnTransaction - bool
  • Returns: SendRawTransactionOutput

    • TransactionId - string
    • Transaction - TransactionDto


var sendRawTransactionInput = new SendRawTransactionInput
Signature = "YOUR_SIGNATURE",
ReturnTransaction = true
var sendRawTransactionOutput = await client.SendRawTransactionAsync(sendRawTransactionInput);
Console.WriteLine($"Transaction ID: {sendRawTransactionOutput.TransactionId}");

12. Send Multiple Transactions

  • Web API path: /api/blockChain/sendTransactions (POST)

  • Parameters :

    • SendTransactionsInput - Serialization of data into protobuf data:
      • SendTransactionsInput - string
  • Returns: string[]


await client.SendTransactionsAsync(input);

13. Create Raw Transaction

  • Web API path: /api/blockChain/rawTransaction (POST)

  • Parameters :

    • CreateRawTransactionInput
      • From - string
      • To - string
      • RefBlockNumber - long
      • RefBlockHash - string
      • MethodName - string
      • Params - string
  • Returns:

    • CreateRawTransactionOutput
      • RawTransactions - string


await client.CreateRawTransactionAsync(input);

14. Execute Transaction

  • Web API path: /api/blockChain/executeTransaction (POST)

  • Parameters :

    • ExecuteRawTransactionDto - Serialization of data into protobuf data:
      • RawTransaction - string
  • Returns: string


await client.ExecuteRawTransactionAsync(input);

15. Execute Raw Transaction

  • Web API path: /api/blockChain/executeRawTransaction (POST)

  • Parameters :

    • ExecuteRawTransactionDto - Serialization of data into protobuf data:
      • RawTransaction - string
      • Signature - string
  • Returns: string


await client.ExecuteRawTransactionAsync(input);

16. Get Peers

  • Web API path: /api/net/peers

  • Parameters :

    • withMetrics - bool
  • Returns: List<PeerDto>

    • IpAddress - string
    • ProtocolVersion - int
    • ConnectionTime - long
    • ConnectionStatus - string
    • Inbound - bool
    • BufferedTransactionsCount - int
    • BufferedBlocksCount - int
    • BufferedAnnouncementsCount - int
    • NodeVersion - string
    • RequestMetrics - List<RequestMetric>
      • RoundTripTime - long
      • MethodName - string
      • Info - string
      • RequestTime - string


await client.GetPeersAsync(false);

17. Add Peer

Attempts to remove a node from the connected network nodes.

  • Web API path: /api/net/peer (POST)

  • Parameters :

    • ipAddress - string
  • Returns: bool


await client.AddPeerAsync("");

18. Remove Peer

Attempts to remove a node from the connected network nodes.

  • Web API path: /api/net/peer (DELETE)

  • Parameters :

    • ipAddress - string
  • Returns: bool

await client.RemovePeerAsync("");

19. Calculate Transaction Fee

  • Web API path: /api/blockChain/calculateTransactionFee (POST)

  • Parameters :

    • CalculateTransactionFeeInput - The object with the following structure :
      • RawTrasaction - string
  • Returns:

    • TransactionFeeResultOutput
      • Success - bool
      • TransactionFee - map[string]interface
      • ResourceFee - map[string]interface


var input = new CalculateTransactionFeeInput{
RawTransaction = RawTransaction
await Client.CalculateTransactionFeeAsync(input);

20. Get Network Information

  • Web API path: /api/net/networkInfo

  • Parameters : Empty

  • Returns:

    • NetworkInfoOutput
      • Version - string
      • ProtocolVersion - int
      • Connections - int


await client.GetNetworkInfoAsync();

These examples demonstrate how to use the aelf Web API in C# using the AElfClient class to interact with the aelf blockchain, including checking chain status, handling transactions, and managing network peers.

aelf Client

1. IsConnected

Verify whether this SDK successfully connects to the chain.

  • Parameters: None

  • Returns :

    • bool: Connection status


bool isConnected = await client.IsConnectedAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"Is Connected: {isConnected}");

2. GetGenesisContractAddress

Get the address of the genesis contract.

  • Parameters: None

  • Returns :

    • string: Genesis contract address


await client.GetGenesisContractAddressAsync();

3. GetContractAddressByName

Get the address of a contract by the given contract name hash.

  • Parameters:

    • contractNameHash (string): Hash of the contract name
  • Returns :

    • string: Contract address


await client.GetContractAddressByNameAsync(contractNameHash);

4. GenerateTransaction

Build a transaction from the input parameters.

  • Parameters:

    • from (string): Sender's address
    • to (string): Recipient's address
    • methodName (string): Method name
    • input IMessage
  • Returns :

    • Transaction: Built transaction


await client.GenerateTransactionAsync(from, to, methodName, input);

5. GetFormattedAddress

Convert the Address to the displayed string format: symbol_base58-string_base58-string_chain-id.

  • Parameters:

    • address (string): Address to format
  • Returns :

    • string: Formatted address


await client.GetFormattedAddressAsync(address);

6. SignTransaction

  • Parameters:

    • privateKey (string): Address to format
    • transaction (string): Address to format
  • Returns :

    • Transaction


client.SignTransaction(privateKeyHex, transaction);

7. GetAddressFromPubKey

Get the account address through the public key.

  • Parameters:

    • pubKey (string): Public key
  • Returns :

    • string: Account address



8. GetAddressFromPrivateKey

Get the account address through the private key.

  • Parameters:

    • privateKey (string): Private key
  • Returns :

    • string: Account address



9. GenerateKeyPairInfo

Generate a new account key pair.

  • Parameters: None

  • Returns :

    • KeyPairInfo
      • PrivateKey - string
      • PublicKey - string
      • Address - string




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